First Congregational Church of East Bloomfield

Rich in heritage, bonded in love, growing in Christ.

 Devotional Links

Note: When using the following links, your browser will open a new window or tab (this current one will not close). When you are done with the link, close the window or tab to return here.

Bible browser
Use this website to read the Bible in the New Revised Standard Version. This is the version we have in our pews.

The Revised Common Lectionary
Use this to stay up-to-date on where we are in the church's Lectionary readings. Scripture texts are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Lections are from the Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings. 

National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC)
We are a member of The National Association of Congregational Christian  Churches. This link will take you to their home page.

The Cyber Hymnal
This site has over 9,400 Christ­ian hymns and Gos­pel songs from ma­ny de­nom­in­a­tions and lang­uag­es. They have lyr­ics, sheet mu­sic, au­dio, pic­tures, bi­o­graph­ies, his­to­ry and more. To use the site ef­fect­ive­ly, you’ll need speak­ers or head phones, a sound card, and soft­ware that can play MIDI files. To view the sheet mu­sic, you’ll need Adobe Reader or Note­Wor­thy Com­pos­er. This site is also searchable with advanced Autoplay features and free downloads. A new hymn every day. Biggest site of its kind on the Internet. Two thumbs up!