First Congregational Church of East Bloomfield

Rich in heritage, bonded in love, growing in Christ.

We are a church family!  As such we are involved in many activities. We worship together, reach out to the community and we fellowship together--all in the name of Jesus who is our guide. On this page you will find a bunch of pictures showing the congregation just being a church family in many ways. (NOTE: The newest pictures are at the bottom of  the page.) 

In addition to this page, we also post pictures and updates to our Facebook page. If you are interested in more pictures (or wish to Like our page to keep up with the latest), please click on the Facebook link, here:

Rally Day (September 2022): The Christian Education committee hosted this year’s Rally Day celebrations. First, we started with an in-service celebration of one coming together to be many in the service of the Lord. After the service,we had a delicious potluck which was followed by family games. The event was a lot of fun and we all enjoyed ourselves.  


Ballgame (July 2022): The church sponsored a night at the ball field. It ended up being a close game and although Rochester didn’t win, it was a good game. Everyone enjoyed the evening of fun, fellowship, games and fireworks.  

Mardi Gras (February 2022): In preparation the Lent and the Easter season, Bob and Janice Kelly prepared a Mardi Gras-themed fellowship after Sunday’s service. The tables were wonderfully decorated and everyone enjoyed both the companionship and  the donuts. It was a great way to start off our Easter journey.

From Puppets to Pew (September 2022): The puppets shared one of their favorite songs, “Inside Out” where we heard the message that God knows who we are, through and through, knows what we’re all about, both inside and outside out, and still loves us entirely, for ever and ever. 

BBQ in 2022: We held two Chicken BBQs (from Gale-Wyn Catering) in 2022. Both were rousing successes; we sold out each time! 

Many thanks to our head coordinator for both events, Nick Glamack. And many, many thanks to our team of volunteers who cheer fully served the chicken: Nick, Bethyn Boni, Bob Kelly, Janice Kelly, Donna Magraw, Phyllis Rechtin, Judd Rockcastle, Lujza Rockcastle, Marilyn Shafer, Robin Stewart, Joe Walters and Sue Walters.

Pentecost Sunday (June 2022): The church truly gets - and gets into - the spirit of Pentecost! 

Choir picnic (July 2022): The choir celebrated the start of summer with pizza and ice cream sundaes. 

Recognition Sunday (June 2022): The church recognized Bethyn Boni, Nick Glamack, Alice McConnell, Rich Townsend, Marilyn Shafer and Robin Stewart for all their “behind the scenes” work for the church. Afterwards, we had a potluck BBQ to celebrate these individuals. 

January 2022: Our choir director, Bethyn, retired from the Library Director position at the New York Chiropractor College. So, the church threw her a surprise retirement party with a potluck and other treats. In addition to church members, Bethyn had childhood friends and family members there. It was a good-sized crowd and a great time was had by all; she was definitely surprised! Congratulations, Bethyn.